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1. What is Naturopathy?

According to California B&P Code 3613 (e), Naturopathy is defined very broadly  as the following.


 “The following definitions apply for the purposes of this chapter:
(e) Naturopathy means a noninvasive system of health practice that employs natural health modalities, substances, and education to promote health.”


Naturopathy was also defined more specifically by the  California supreme court case,


Oosterveen Vs. Board of Medical Examiners.


The judgment is affirmed.

Wood (Parker), J., and Vallee, J., concurred.

"That Naturopathy is a mode of healing that attempts to restore and maintain health by the use of light, air, water, clay, heat, rest, diet, herbs, electricity, massage, Swedish movements, suggestive therapeutics, chiropractic, magnetism, physical and mental culture, and does not advocate the use of drugs and medicines but does advocate the use of 'dietary supplements which said dietary supplements include all substances found in nature, including those substances found in herbs, the earth and animal tissues, whether raw or refined, and it does not include the use of surgery or the penetration of the tissues; it is practiced in the State of California by persons who were licensed as naturopaths by the Board of Medical Examiners in 1909 and have thereafter been continuously licensed as such thereafter; in addition, it is practiced in the State of California by over 1,000 persons, almost all of whom are licensed chiropractors and who practice chiropractic but who have displayed somewhere within their offices a certificate or degree of Doctor of Naturopathy."


2. What is needed to become a Naturopath? 

Education is foundational in all fields of health. The California Naturopathic Association is proud to hold the highest standard of education for its Naturopaths. California law stipulates that in order to practice naturopathy and hold oneself out to be a naturopath, one must be educated in the subject. The CNA rigorously examines its members to assure that each naturopath has met standards on education to represent oneself to the public to practice naturopathy. We endorse the standards set by the California Naturopathic Certification Board


3. What titles may be used as member of CNA and in California?


The California Naturopathic Doctors Act acknowledges the difference between a Naturopath and a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and reserves specific titles for these practitioners of Naturopathy. These titles reserved are "Naturopath", "Traditional Naturopath" and "Naturopathic Practitioner".


 Section 3645 of the Business and Professions Code 



 (a) This chapter permits, and does not restrict, the use of the following titles by persons who are educated and trained as any of the following:

(1) “Naturopath.”

(2) “Naturopathic practitioner.”

(3) “Traditional naturopathic practitioner.”

(b) This chapter permits, and does not restrict, the education of persons as described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a). Those persons are not required to be licensed under this chapter.



3. Why affiliate with CNA? 

The California Naturopathic Association is the oldest and only California based association for Naturopathy. We continuously fight for your rights to practice. During the 2003, 2007 and 2016 legislative sessions we lobbied to save the profession as it was threatened by harmful legislation and we have won every time. We believe history has convinced the legislature that we have the rights to our titles and our profession.


4. Does CNA provide me with practitioner insurance? 

 The California Naturopathic Association has a referral for its members to obtain professional practitioners insurance. 


5. Will CNA help me set up my practice?

California Naturopathic Association will help you with legalities, forms and client referrals as a courtesy to all of our members. Once more we are here for you!


6. How do I join? 

For Professional/Student Membership Click Here.

For Client Membership Click Here

28562 Oso Pkwy Ste. D #227

Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688

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